Season Schedule Winter 2025
Below you will find the preliminary 2025 Winter rec league practice & game schedule in PDF format. The schedule will be filled in once team rosters have been emailed to coaches.
- You can search your team schedule by pressing "ctrl" and "f" simultaneously on your keyboard ("Command" for Apple users) and typing in your team number (T3, W2, O4, etc).
- Team practices are listed in GREEN.
- Games are listed in YELLOW.
- For games, teams listed first are the home team and wear white, while teams listed second will be the guest team and wear blue.
2025 Winter Rec League Schedule (Last updated: 2/17/25 at 9:13 am)
Playoff Brackets Winter 2025
Teams will be seeded in their respective brackets based on regular season record. Below you will find a PDF file containing brackets for all divisions (except Violet and Teal) and tiebreakers for seedings.
- 2025 Playoff Brackets (Last updated: 2/10/25 at 12:47 pm)
- Tiebreaker System For Playoff Bracket Seeding
Game Information Winter 2025
Game rules (separated by division) and
score sheet for the 2025 Winter League. There will be a copy of the rules
at the scorer's table for each game.
Rules by division:
- Violet (K/1 coed)
- Teal (1st/2nd coed)
- Pink (3/4 girls)
- Lavender (5/6 girls)
- Silver (7/8 girls)
- Blue (3/4 boys)
- Green (4/5 boys)
- White (5/6 boys)
- Yellow (6/7 boys)
- Orange (7/8 boys)
This is the official score sheet for games. The score keeper will keep track of individual playing time, individual player fouls, team fouls, and team score.
Below is the schedule for team & individual pictures (schedule will be posted/hyperlinked after teams are created). All teams are scheduled for pictures on Saturday, January 25. There will be some drop-in make-up times available on Friday, January 31 from 6:30-7:30 pm.
league provides a Memory Mate (team + individual picture) for each
player in the league, but you are welcome and encouraged to purchase any
extra packages if you wish.
The photographer will also email out information regarding pictures and ordering information. Feel free to reach out to our league photographer (Jessica Lemmons) at jessica@bellphoto.com if you have any questions regarding team pictures.
- 2025 Picture Schedule (Last Updated: 1/15/25 at 11:09 am)
Evaluations Winter 2024-25
Evaluations are crucial to our rec leagues! We use the ratings to do
our best to create teams as initially equitably as possible.
Each player will be run through different stations which will help to assess their basketball abilities and subsequently create teams as equally skilled as possible.
are asked to arrive 15-30 minutes prior to the start of their scheduled
session time to check in. When checking in, each player will be asked
for the following information:
- Last name
- First name
- Grade
- Height (we will have a stick for measuring height)
A coach will warm the entire group up in mass to start, and from there players will be divided into groups of 8-12 players per group (they do this at check-in), which they will stay in for the remainder of the evaluation session. These are not their permanent teams for the league! Each group will circulate through skills stations and be put through the drill by a different coach at each station. After all groups have finished their stations, they will be told to rotate to the next station. They will repeat this until all groups have completed each station.
ALL 3rd-8th graders must be evaluated before they will be placed on a team. K-2nd graders do not attend skill evaluations. Below is the file containing all of the skills that the players will be assessed in:
All skill evaluations will take place at Swift Sportsdome: 1465 South Meadows Parkway, Reno, NV 89521.
Below is the evaluation schedule for 2024-25 Winter Rec League:
- Girls Players
- 3rd grade girls
- Friday, 11/22
- 6:40-7:50 pm
- 4th grade girls
- Friday, 11/22
- 6:40-7:50 pm
- 5th grade girls
- Saturday, 11/23
- 2:15-3:30 pm
- 6th grade girls
- Saturday, 11/23
- 2:15-3:30 pm
- 7th grade girls
- Friday, 11/22
- 7:50-8:50 pm
- 8th grade girls
- Saturday, 11/23
- 2:15-3:30 pm
- 3rd grade girls
- Boys Players
- 3rd grade boys
- Friday, 11/22
- 6:40-7:50 pm
- 4th grade boys
- Friday, 11/22
- 7:50-8:50 pm
- 5th grade boys
- Saturday, 11/23
- 1:00-2:15 pm
- 6th grade Boys
- Saturday, 11/23
- 1:00-2:15 pm
- 7th grade Boys
- Saturday, 11/23
- 3:30-4:30 pm
- Saturday, 11/23
- 8th grade boys
- Saturday, 11/23
- 3:30-4:30 pm
- Saturday, 11/23
- 3rd grade boys